Braintree, MA, USA · New Braintree, MA, USA
Hardware · Information Technology · Mobile, Platforms, and Apps · Software
201-1000 employees
founded in
Founded in 2002, they are a global software company with a focus to provide large and mid-sized organizations with the most powerful mobile data collection technology on the market. This goal, of course, is a moving target. Mobile technology is advancing at an incredible pace, and the needs of their customers are expanding as well. In the early days, there was a huge demand for interactive forms. It was clear even then that paper forms were destined for replacement. Cool digital features such as hiding questions, and triggering new questions or email alerts for specific responses created tremendous opportunities for companies to gather more granular data and act more responsively. The march was on to “go digital.” Of course, once this became a C-level directive, a whole new set of professionals got involved.
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